Thursday, December 31, 2009

I resolve ...

to continue to live.

You know? I HATE New Year's. 



HATE it.

I hate declaring what I need to change/improve in my life publicly. I don't know if it's because I don't want to be held accountable (a STRONG possibility) or because I am undisciplined (I know - a shocker!) or because I am a rebel/stubborn (duh) ... but really. I don't want ANYONE reminding me of what I've said I'm going to work on.

However - if I change/grow/improve it is FINE for someone to notice and compliment me. Even if it does make me feel all squiqky inside.

I figure if I want to change something I will change it. No sense in waiting for a specific time of year to start/stop. I also think having too long of a "to do" list almost guarantees failure. One improvement a year (maybe a month?) is probably more attainable than a list of 10 at the first of the year.

So this year - like every other year I'm not going to proclaim ANYTHING ... However, my friend Mamie makes a pretty persuasive argument for small manageable steps.

What about you? What's your success rate for change? 


Mamie said...

You think YOU hate NYE? What if you didn't drink and had to go to a party? Where everyone is drinking and dancing? And when you quit drinking you quit dancing?

UGH. Is it tomorrow yet?

Drink something for me. <3

Megs said...

I hate New Year's as well, as in my mind, its just another turn of the calendar. We don't celebrate the end of every month.

Anyway, I do make resolutions. Just one or two, usually, and while I kind of hate telling people about them I've found I have the most success if I put myself out there and say I'm going to do something. Mine the last couple of years are financial because of the massive amounts of debt I have accumulated (largely because there should so be a law against giving 18 year olds credit cards). Anyway, I set a small amount of progress to be made each year, and each year I tend to accomplish my goal. And the fact that people know I have been a moron motivates me to be smarter.

That's just how I roll, yo.

Nighfala said...

My success rate for change is pretty slow. I do, eventually, change but it takes like about five years.

Dr. Phil has some pretty good insight on this. He says we keep doing the same thing because it works for us in some way. Example: I'm chronically late for things. I then am rushing, mad at myself, unprepared, etc. and ask "Why do I keep doing that?" Well, because IT WORKS in the sense that I get to blog in the morning. I'm pleasing myself and the rest of it isn't bad enough to make me stop. At least not until something *really* bad happens and I'm finally motivated to change, or I just make up my mind to act like a grown-up. Get it?

So, figure out what is making your bad habits work for you, and then figure out how to remove the reward, or change the reward to something else.

Anyway, I stopped by to thank you for your encouragement about joining a writing group. There is one that meets near me, but it conflicts with our monthly scout leader's meeting. But, I googled "South Jersey Writer's Groups" and found on that meets on a different night, only a few miles from my house. So I will go to the January meeting and try it.

I may not be able to go regularly, but I will at least try it.

So, Thanks!

And, Happy New Year! (Don't roll your eyes. You get to my age and you're grateful for any fresh start Life gives you.)

Nighfala said...

P.S. Where on the "Right Coast" are you? If you're in NJ that would just be too funny.

Neither coast is 'right'. The 'right' part of the country is in the middle. Where the normal people live. ha ha.

Ally said...

What's my success rate for change??? Holy macaroni...that is a loaded question. I'm not very good with change at all. I don't like change. I try to avoid change. I don't even like keeping change in my wallet. matter how much any of us resist change, it still happens. That's when we have to swallow our pride, get our courage in check, put on our game faces...and then run like the dickens to put it off for as long as we possibly can. Then, when we're found...hiding behind the couch, lying in the fetal position, sobbing like a we're pulled away from our comfort zone, kicking and screaming...we eventually and reluctantly accept the change.
