This weekend Chris and I traveled north to the 1,000 islands area of Upstate New York to meet up with our friend Bob. Ironically, in all the time I've known Bob, I've never given him a nickname.He's asked for one - and I said they just have to suggest themselves to me, I'm not able to manufacture them out of thin air. Within minutes of Bob and his youngest son picking me up - I had a family name for them. They are the, "Specific" Family.
I wasn't just meeting Mr. Specific's son's for the first time on this trip. I was meeting Mrs. Specific too. When you meet someone for the first time - you never know if you'll click. It's even worse when you love the other people you're going to be with ... because WHAT if their other half (and son's) don't love you??
Mr. Specific has been telling me for several years now that I'd love Mrs. Specific and SpecificKidlet1 & SpecificKidlet2 ... but I was worried. How SILLY of me. Who wouldn't love this family?
They ARE the best hosts ever! I flew in on Thursday - they brought me to the "River House"
This is totally not what I was expecting. My room was in the upper left-hand corner. Those two windows you see. Plus there are two more windows on the side facing the river - and two more across the room from these. I had a gorgeous view AND great cross ventilation.
Our plans ... were pretty spars. We knew we'd be cooking - and talking - but beyond that there was little planned. As our days took shape, we fell into an easy routine. Mr. Specific and I would get up in the morning, brew some coffee and wait for the rest of the group to appear. A few days it was cloudy/raining in the morning - but by mid-day every day the sun was out and we were lounging on the dock.
Around five or six, it would be snack time and close to seven or eight we'd head up to the house and begin dinner. One night it was pasta with broccoli, onions, garlic, and cheese. The following night we had ribs. Of course, you can't go to an Italian family's home and not beg them to teach you how to make pasta.
Chris made a beautiful tomato/olive sauce to envelope these lovely little Cavatelli (pasta quills).
Not to be outdone, Mrs. Specific created a dessert each night. Who (except maybe a dietitian?) would complain about delights such as this each night?
If you add in the Morristown library book sale, the Antique Boat Museum in Clayton ... and the high action drama that took place yesterday, it turned out to be the perfect trip.
HIGH ACTION DRAMA on the St. Lawrence
I was with a bunch of "water people". Even their off-spring frolic like otters.
And so it was - Daddy Specific took off in his skiff. First he had to insert the center board - then raise the jib.
It was a dark and stormy afternoon. But he's a skilled sailor with no fear.
Tagging along with him was the documentarian - who wanted that perfect picture. Moody light - house in the background and the master sailor. However, it appears there was one too many directorial demands - and the whole scene collapsed.
I watched from the porch - with a great beer (IPA) brewed by Specific Daddy. It looked dubious to me
- but I didn't want my beer to go flat - so I let Specific Mommy and SpecificThing1 and SpecificThing2 come to the rescue.
I met them at the dock with dry towels - and then went to the kitchen to begin the jambalaya. We sat down to dinner with Miles Davis and Kind of Blue playing in the background. The music was smooth - the mood was blue - and the jambalaya was the best.
What a wonderful post about a fantastic weekend!! The "Specifics" are the best!!
... and just to be specific...
1000 Lakes = 1000 "Islands" in case anyone is confused...
Oh, so excellent. And you had fresh made pasta too! Divine. Who made the photos, you or Chris?
I like the cut of that jib. I was expecting to see a sexy redhead in these pix somewhere.
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